Protection Spells: Defense Not Offense

So if your anything like me, you understand the value of a good protection spell. Wether it’s some routine house protection magic or a get-off-my-aura spell, protection magic can make all the difference. Now keep in mind that many, many people misunderstand exactly what protection magic is. Wiccans have ethics, you know, so we don’t curse of hex or anything like that. That stuff isn’t even protection magic, it’s black magic focused in negativity and pain. Watch how quick Karma makes you sorry and you’ll understand that there’s nothing normal or healthy about black magic. As far as actual protection magic goes, keep the following in mind:

  1. If you are in legitimate danger, don’t rely on magic to completely fix everything, this won’t happen. The magic will restore balance but likely this will do this by escalating the situation and involving the proper authorities that should have been keyed in from square one. Magic is not a happy utopia-creating force, it is an undiscriminating energy that keeps the world in balance, distributing positivity and negativity wherever necessary.
  2. Don’t go looking for trouble. You know how teenagers get a bad rep? We’re not all stupid, impulsive idiots, but some teens make poor choices. As do some adults. If you know what drunk driving or doing drugs will do to you, making a dumb choice is your fault, magic won’t keep you safe if you don’t keep yourself out of harm’s way.
  3. So your friend tells you that they heard two girls in their math class talking about your sister’s best friend’s cousin who happens to be telling everyone that you cheated on your English final and your new hair cut is ugly? Well, in that case, I’m sure you know what the cousin deserves. Nothing. If you can’t prove that they said anything, you have no right to direct any negativity that you happen to be feeling at them.
  4. Even if you hear it from the proverbial cousin themselves, you can’t lash out. Protection magic can be used to keep yourself safe from that negativity, but not as a pseudonym for what really is unethical magic. To keep yourself safe in a situation where someone is splashing you with negativity but you’re not sure who, visualize your aura with the negativity like darkness blocking out the light of your aura and send red fire to burn away the negativity, leaving only your clean aura. You can also do something more direct if you know who is sending that negativity your way. Picture the negativity like a blanket and take the blanket off, handing it back to the person. You may also picture the negativity as cords running from the other person to you that you cut and picture the lose ends being plugged into wherever in the universe they need to be.
  5. Now if you actually did cheat on that English final or steal candy from CVS or do anything else illegal or wrong, don’t expect protection magic to keep you from getting in trouble. One word for you: Karma.
So there you go, as long as you understand that you can’t torture people if they say something bad about you, or if you think they said something bad about you. You should never call yourself Wiccan if you don’t intend to adhere to the Rede. Also, please, please understand that although abuse or any other kind of danger can be horrible and terrifying, you NEED to speak up and let someone know what is happening to you. Magic will only bring the situation to light in a more violent explosive way, and the longer you wait, the more serious your situation becomes.
Remember, you magic is only as powerful as your mental ability plus the alignment of the universe and most of us just aren’t strong enough to force things to go smoothly. Therefore, you need to be strong enough to speak up about your situation. Protection magic may seem “good”, but remember that magic is not simply “good” or “bad” and sometimes the right way is not the easiest. Protection magic is not something to be taken lightly and you should always, ALWAYS understand what you are doing before you begin.
Goddess keep you,

Prosperity Spells: How To Do It Right

Everybody could use a little extra spending money now and then, but for those savvy Witches that want practice successful money magic, there are a few guidelines. To begin with, you really should make sure you know what to expect. You aren’t going to just get a thousand dollars in the mail after a day or two. Prosperity magic is a tricky thing and there are some rules you need to follow:

  1. I said it a second ago and I’ll say it again, you need to understand that a prosperity spell – any kind of spell really – will take a little while and a lot of focus. Unless you happen to be a gifted psychic, you’re likely a lot like the rest of us, meaning that since you aren’t skilled enough to cause life-changing lottery-proportion events within a few weeks, you have no reason to expect them. Be realistic about what you expect.
  2. Never ever, ever, ever take from someone else. Don’t take a job from someone or compel the people you know to give you money against their will. Respect free will, harm none.
  3. Understand that your mental state is much more important than details like the moon phase  or what herbs you use. These add power and focus to your intentions, but if you are coming from a place of fear you are only perpetuating your reason for fear.
  4. It’s not enough to just cast a spell. As with any kind of magic, to achieve prosperity, you must take action toward your goal. If you need extra cash, start looking for a job. Chances are the spell will help you find a good fit and pave your way to employment. If you don’t put out any effort, your spell can’t give you the extra boost that an organized, proactive effort might use to great advantage.
So yeah, magic isn’t the answer to getting quick cash, but that’s not what being Wiccan is about. There are rules that you can choose to abide by. If you don’t…. well, I’ll say “I told you so” in advance. Karma makes no exceptions.

Love Spell Dos and Don’ts

It’s always the first thing a person wants to know, “Yes, yes you believe in reincarnation, I get it. But what about love spells???” Good question, what about them? Well, unfortunately for the wildly passionate inexperienced Witch, there are some rules. Fortunately for the rest of us these rules are only there to ensure we’re being wholly ethical about our love spells. Now if the word ethical sounds unfamiliar and you can’t recall reading much about what our ethics are, calm the heck down and please go read my post “Ethics Explained”. Please. I know you’re desperate to make so and so fall in madly love with you, but you can’t force them to do anything. Well actually you can, but you SHOULD NOT EVER. Okay, for the rest of you, I’ll continue. There are some rules to casting love spells – as with any kind of spell – and they are for your own and everyone else’s safety. Karma is real (if this is news to you, again, please go read about our ethics) and other people have feelings just like you. Alrighty, here we go:

  1. First and foremost, never compel another person to love you against their will. You can’t go casting love spells on people without expecting the situation to explode violently in your face. Being a Witch does not mean that you have the right to take away another person’s free will.
  2. Don’t be a home-wrecker. Even if you’re not using magic with this one, just don’t. If you are using magic – even on yourself – stay away from people who are happily in a relationship. Don’t make yourself irresistible to your best friend’s boy/girlfriend. Just don’t.
  3. Putting a spell on yourself is fine, but don’t cast when you’re angry, depressed, or otherwise emotionally distressed. Also never cast a love spell of any kind if you think a specific person will come to mind part of the way through. If you have this happen, immediately stop the spell and ground yourself, offering a prayer to the Goddess asking Her to keep that person’s free will intact.
  4. If you are doing a spell for another person keep the above rules in mind and make sure they have asked and understand exactly what you are doing before you begin. I would recommend staying away from this situation altogether.
  5. It’s okay to do magic with your significant other to increase your love and happiness together, but again, no binding, even if you both agree. It’s most likely not what you’re going to want down the road. Also, you need their permission, even if you are happily in a relationship with them. Communication will really help you guys stay happy together.
  6. As with any spell, read through and understand what you’re doing before you begin.
  7. Use your best judgement; just because someone created a spell to bind a person to you for all eternity does not mean it is acceptable to do.
Okay, there you go, read and follow. Also, as  a general rule, if you have to ask yourself “Is this spell ethical,” it most likely is not. Always take the time to think through what you are doing and realize the possible consequences. That said, Wicca is about love and celebration of life, so think, be wise, but if you’re sure do act. You may also send people love for no reason at all, including friends in a platonic way, and there are plenty of friendship spells out there too. I would also like to make a point to those not interested in working magic themselves, DO NOT go pestering us Witches to do spells for you. We don’t want to get involved. Sure, there are some people who sell their services, but if a Witch tells you no, listen to them, go find someone else or just let the universe take care of things. Always use your best judgement and understand and take responsibility for what you are doing.
Goddess keep you,