Blessed Yule!

Merry Meet!

I have so much to celebrate this Yule, as do we all. While it is the shortest day of the year, it is a day marked with love, light, and laughter. Today is a day to celebrate the turn of the Earth toward light again, a new year unfolding before us. While each moment of life is sacred, holidays are the way we mark time’s passing and the challenges and wonders we experience on our paths.

This Yule I celebrate the work I have done over the past semester, my first at college, and seek to understand the changes that characterize my life. While it can be difficult to accept, change is an integral part of life and the winter solstice celebrates the changing seasons and light, the hope of spring even in the depths of winter, and the need for death in order to make way for rebirth. I have faced many new situations and demands on my time, energy, tolerance, and creativity over the past months. However, I have done my best to embrace each one with the understanding that it carries me one step forward on the path I walk.

While change of circumstance is often the most clear and easily observed, change of self can be shrouded in the events and thoughts of day to day. However, I have noticed marked differences in the way I approach each new situation, with confidence I previously lacked, change in the way I present myself, gradual maturation into adulthood. While I am in awe of this change, it often goes unobserved. But it is there, and on this day I honor it, taking time to pause and listen inward to hear the stir of my intuition, to calm my thoughts and simply be in the moment, feeling the differences and embracing each change as a part of my greater whole which has and always will remain constant.

As a busy young adult, I understand now more than ever the importance of pausing to celebrate and recognize the beauty of life and each special moment. I see clearly that my faith is not merely a belief system but a way of living, of approaching each circumstance or challenge with an open mind and an open heart, willing to learn and grow and striving to leave no harm in my wake. It is my hope that through my own growth and change, I will be able to inspire change for the better in the world around me. Through my art, through my actions and words, I aspire to not only do no harm, but to also do good. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.”

With that I leave you to reflect on and celebrate your own changes and the changes of nature around you. Life is change, today is dark but tomorrow will be lighter. This day may be the shortest of the year, but it is bright in comparison with the night around it. This is a quiet time of year, meant for reflection and intuition, turning inward from the cold and holding near the warmth and light  that are no longer dissipating but now slowly approaching as the days to come lengthen.

Goddess bless and keep you,


Picture This…

You wake to find the sun shining in through your window, the lovely fall colors of the leaves dipping and swaying in a light breeze. Walking outside to get the paper you see your neighbor and her son busy in their garden, weeding and watering. Smiling, you wave, and they chorus pleasantly, “Blessed Be!” Retrieving the paper you glance at the headlines noting the lack of war, protest, and violence.

Later, walking to school (or work, depending on your age) you come to an intersection where the lanes are packed with people on bicycles, greeting each other in friendly tones as they wait for the light to change. You stroll down the street, admiring the new solar panels that collect the golden rays’ energy. Every house you pass has a large garden and brimming recycling bins. On one commercial street you spot an herb and spice store, a plant nursery, and a small bookstore with a large pentagram on the awning. The proprietors wave to you as you pass calling, “Blessed Be,” and, “Goddess Bless!”

As you round the corner to pass the same church you see everyday, you discover that the property instead houses a small park with a statue of Zeus and Hera sitting regally in the center. You glance at you watch, noting that you have a few minutes to spare, and decide to have a look. You pass benches where young couples sit talking and laughing, old apple trees, boughs heavy with fruit, and a trickling stream where young children wade barefoot, glad of the Indian Summer day.

Sighing, you leave the serenity of the park, continuing on you way to school/work. When you arrive, you are greeted by the same friendly tones though you don’t recognize any of the people. You head to your first period class/desk, marveling at the beautiful mural on one of the walls of a young woman dressed in white with long, flowing hair who stands next to a deer, her hand on the creature’s head. Behind her a full moon peeks out from between tree branches and stars twinkle across the night sky. Turning to a classmate/coworker, you ask, “Has that always been there?” She responds, “Yeah. It’s beautiful isn’t it?” You nod, noticing a pentacle around her neck.

By the end of the school/workday you feel a happy sense of satisfaction that usually is eclipsed by exhaustion or stress. Strolling home casually, you notice an open-air market where farmers sell their organic produce. You strike up a conversation with a man selling cheese. “I love coming here,” he tells you, “It’s good business, but it’s good to meet people too.” You ask him when the market is open and he replies, “Everyday, all day during the summer and fall.” You smile, thinking that you’ll be shopping here from now on.

You come home and after finishing any homework/work you brought home, you eat a nice dinner, sitting outside, then get ready for bed. As the moon and stars illuminate the sky, you sit cross-legged in bed, meditating on your day. What explanation is there for the world’s sudden change?

The truth is you awakened to a world in which Paganism has taken the place of Judeo-Christian religions. It sounds like a really pleasent dream doesn’t it? Being the religious majority seems really cool. Of course, there are always things that can go wrong and we have to remember that the government is secular, but still, doesn’t it seem nice? Maybe, one of these days, something like this will be a reality. Just my thoughts.

Goddess keep you,


I’m a ‘Real’ Witch!

The other day I was sitting in my fourth period minding my own business and waiting for class to get started when the strangest thing happened. I was absentmindedly fingering my pentacle while considering the meaning of life (or some such thing – I don’t really remember) when the boy next to me dropped a bomb I never anticipated. “So are you a real Wiccan, or are you just wearing that to be…you know…” He made a face and a vague gesture to indicate his lack of respect for ‘fake’ Wiccans (people who think it’s cool to look all rebellious and think wearing a pentacle and saying they worship the Devil is the way to go).

Dang! I wasn’t expecting that. I responded in the affirmative with a bit of an edge to my voice that he likely didn’t deserve. Um, let me just stop for a second and say this: no one I’ve ever met really knows much about Wicca and no one has ever asked me if I was a Wiccan. I didn’t really realize it until just then, but I’d never really expected to be asked, I’ve gotten so used to explaining that I’m not Jewish (people apparently assume by default that if there’s a holiday they don’t know about it must be a Jewish one) and what Wicca is. A couple people have heard of it and I expect that one of these days someone on the street is going to go off the deep end at me when they see (and misunderstand) my pentacle but some random guy who actually knows what a ‘real’ Wiccan is? Never in a million years!

“I’m impressed,” He sounded it. Well, that’s a bit of a change from “What?” or “WITCH!!!!” Kind of nice actually. It’s the kind of thing I’d wish everyone a chance to experience – someone impressed by your faith. I think we forget sometimes (especially those teenage ones of us who have to go to a building everyday full of thousands of critical, hormone-fueled people) just how impressive our faith is; the world is constantly telling us that we’re wrong for believing what we do, but we just turn the other cheek and know deep down inside that this is the right path for us. No one ever said it was easy being the (religious) minority but we stick to our metaphorical guns all the same.

So I don’t know whether that guy is a Pagan or just someone who knows about the Wiccan faith, but whatever his personal beliefs he made me realize some things about myself I never noticed before. I guess it’s hard to be optimistic when the world sees you as synonymous with a green-skined, broom-flying, devil-worshiping old lady or a random goth kid who thinks they’re too cool for the world, but I guess I’m a bit more cynical than I thought. I’ll try to be a little less doubtful in the future and have a little more faith in the people around me. Still, I wouldn’t mind the occasional ego-boost to remind me that some people out there really do understand and appreciate what I believe in and the lifestyle I have committed myself to living every once in a while….

Goddess keep you,


A Witch By Any Other Name…

So here’s the question of the hour, what do you call yourself? No, I don’t mean your actual name; what do you call yourself when people ask about your religion. Is it easier to just say “I’m a Pagan” vaguely and deal with the “What is that?” questions or to grin mischievously and say simply “I’m a Witch”? It’s a personal choice, really, but it’s hardly a small thing. While few people have a good idea about what exactly a Pagan is, many have preexisting negative ideas about Witches and Witchcraft. I suppose each side has their benefits and downsides, depending on how much explaining or fall-out you prefer.

I personally tend to favor the “I’m a Pagan” side of things. I find it helps to give a general description of Paganism before launching into the God and Goddess, Witchcraft kind of thing. If it seems like a person is okay with me not worshiping Jesus and being tree-hugger-y then I will progress to reincarnation and such and, if they haven’t started waving a cross in my face or run screaming, eventually to the “yes, I’m a Witch” bit. I find it helps to not to throw around labels before giving an explanation because you get to communicate your values before the cross waving or screaming begins. That way, even if things go south, you still kind of got some of the info across.

Now I don’t know how you would manage a situation in which someone absolutely refused to listen after the mention of Paganism alone, but the fact that I’ve successfully managed to have decently long and polite conversations with some Christians about religion assures me that I’m going about things the right way. I tend not to mind explaining my values – though being forced to justify them is another story – and I don’t recommend that you start with the vague and general if you do mind it because you will get increasingly specific questions. Still, it won’t be hostility.

Some people are genuinely curious, a lot of people in fact. You grow up knowing people who go to church, having family and friends that talk about God and Jesus, but not many people are introduced to Wicca or other forms of Paganism. I actually met a girl once who told me she hadn’t known there was anything about Christianity until fifth grade when she first encountered Greek mythology. I have met many other people who have heard only vaguely of Wicca or never heard of it at all. It seems to me that it’s better to just take the time to explain instead of allowing people to misunderstand you. If they don’t want to understand, there’s not much you can do, but many people really do want to learn about Paganism. Well, either way, it’s up to you, but my vote falls with the “I’m a Pagan” answer.

Goddess keep you,


What Is Oneness?

Every once in a while I get to thinking, wondering who or what I am made up of. It’s a little odd to think that parts of you have lived full lives, filled with all the joys and sorrows you could never imagine. Yes, there are ways to recall all the things that continue to plague you, the reasons you are living this life now, but that’s not what I want to talk about just now. It’s a beautiful thing, knowing that you are made up of the same stuff as everyone. We are all equal, in pains and happiness – though we may not remember them – and in essence.

But what does it mean, to be a part of that Oneness? It’s something that no other religion really deals with, there are supreme beings with various roles, but in the end you are you, you come back as you no matter what form you take, and, if you don’t come back you’re still just you. Many Wiccans don’t share my belief that we aren’t all individual souls. They’re entitled to their opinions and maybe they’re right, but that’s not what I believe. To me, it make more sense that we’re made up of a small amount of the greater energy that is responsible for life. We live as a unique being for this one lifetime then all the parts of us are redistributed to new beings.

Why do I think this is true? Well, it supports my belief that we all contribute to the same end. If we were all individual souls trying to all learn the same lessons – if not in the same order – then we would be so very isolated from each other. To me, that goes against the spirit of Wicca. What I believe is that we are made up of hundreds, if not thousands of people, plants, and animals that all chose the life we are living to learn a specific lesson that no other life will ever teach. To each of these our life will mean something different in the context of their previous lives.

Think of it like a class, each student comes knowing different things and each student learns what is taught a little differently. Certain details are more interesting or relevant to some people while others find those same things extraneous. Apart they only learn a little, but together they make up a classroom full of opinions that extends everyone’s point of view. Exactly in this way, we are all contributing to the greater knowledge of life shared by all that makes up the Oneness.

Oneness is the ultimate form of equality in a way. Not only are we all equal, but we literally are all part of the same thing. It is not about equality though, it is about cooperation and the greater knowledge that will benefit everyone. Just by living, you are adding to that knowledge and by living a productive, healthy life you are contributing even more. Wiccan ideas and rules make so much sense in the context of Oneness. Why would you want to harm the world around you in any way if you are ultimately harming a what you yourself are a part of?

And where does this Oneness reside? Everywhere. It is in all living things and all things formerly living and all things soon to be living again. Oneness is life and, as life always continues, so Oneness never ends. It is not a force of judgement, but a collection of energy. Oneness is a family of sorts to which we all belong, no matter where or what we are. Even if you live the most horrific life in the history of the world, you are still a part of that Oneness. You contribute many mistakes but you cannot be disowned. If you feel this condones your behavior then you are sorely wrong, but it makes a point about Oneness. It is not a separate thing, it is all of us, no matter who we are or were or will be, we are always One.

Goddess keep you,


Cross Country and Wicca: A Case For Running At Dawn (At Least Once)

This morning I had an early Cross Country practice; yes, I am on my high school’s team. When I say early I don’t mean seven or eight, no, six thirty. Now some of you out there are morning people and won’t blink at this, but considering that I usually roll out of bed, still half-asleep, at six thirty on week days, I was a bit tired. I resented my coach just a little bit for making me get up so early and resented my AP American History homework a lot for keeping me up late. Needless to say, by the time my best friend (and fellow teammate) and I reached the locker room, I was rather reluctant to move at all.

Let me clarify something, I love running, I love my teammates (we may not win a lot but we’re really super awesome and fun), I love Cross Country, but I do not love the morning. I rarely am fully awake until nine and the prime of my day is about two-o-clock in the afternoon. So yes, theoretically I wanted to be at practice and I wanted to see everyone and I wanted to go for a nice easy mile-or-so run, but I also desperately wanted to be lying in my warm, comfortable bed.

I was not alone in my sentiments, everyone complained. All the same, we headed out to the grassy middle of the outdoor track and began our warm up. It was cold, really cold and we all had on shorts and t-shirts, it is August after all and we were running. At first, all I could hear was the labored breath of girls around me, harsh and out of time. I felt tired and stiff, my legs moving only with the greatest of labor. Still, I kept going (I AM a Cross Country runner after all, persistence and mental endurance are key to the sport).

Some time later, I began to notice a rhythm to the soft sound of fifty or so pairs of feet hitting the ground, leaving footprints on the dewy grass. Shafts of rising sun fell across the field, turning each water droplet into a glittering sphere. For yards in front of me, the ground shimmered and danced, rainbow hues cast from each drop refracting the sunlight. The air, crisp and refreshing with the on-coming autumn filled my lungs and the muted sounds of early morning met my ears.

Now you can likely see where I’m going with this. As a whole, Cross Country is a very Pagan-friendly sport, I mean, you run outside for miles and miles. It cultivates mental endurance which gives you more control over your thoughts, intentions, and emotional reactions. Wicca is all about your mental control and the ability to connect with the world around you. Cross Country pushes you to your mental and physical limit while immersing you in nature. When I found XC (as Cross Country is often called) my Freshman year, I instantly fell in love. I like to think that it was my inner, yet-undiscovered Paganism telling me what I really wanted in life. Everyone is different, and I used to think I wasn’t remotely athletic enough for a sport, but XC isn’t about being the best. It’s about pushing yourself to top your personal best and about enduring and becoming more than you knew you could be.

So yes, I had a really remarkably wonderful practice today, early though it was. It woke me up and refreshed me all at once, whisking away my negative attitude and allowing me to start my day in a wonderful way. The beauty of the sunrise – a magical experience in of itself – combined with the joy running gives me to form a blissful sensation that made my skin tingle and my heart beat just a little quicker. If you happen to be a Wiccan who runs, or even any old runner, I recommend that just once you try running with the dawn. No, I wouldn’t do this every day, but today was an experience I’ll remember fondly, and one I wouldn’t mind repeating… in a week or two… or maybe a few months once I’ve had some nights of better sleep.

Goddess keep you,


Color Correspondence Chart

Color plays a large part in nature and in magic. It’s important to make sure that your candles, etc. align themselves with the intention of your spell. One of the best charts I could find (slightly modified by yours truly) is below:

Black Returning to sender; divination; protection
Blue-Black For wounded pride; broken bones; angelic protection
Dark Purple Used for calling up the power of the ancient ones; sigils/runes; government
Dark Green regeneration; agriculture; financial matters
Mint Green Financial gains (used with gold and silver)
Green Healing or health; north cardinal point
Light Green Improve the weather
Indigo Blue To reveal deep secrets; protection on the astral levels; defenses
Blue Protection
Royal Blue Power and Protection
Pale/Light Blue Protection of home; buildings; young
Ruby Red Love or anger of a passionate nature
Red Love; romantic atmosphere; energy; south cardinal point
Pink Harmony and friendship; binding magic
Yellow Healing; the east
Deep Gold Prosperity; sun magic
Gold Attraction
Pale Gold Prosperity in health
Burnt Orange Opportunity
Orange Material gain; to seal a spell; attraction
Dark Brown Invoking the earth
Brown Peace in the home; herb magic; friendship
Silver Quick money; gambling; invocation of the moon; moon magic; psychic development/magic
Off-White Peace of mind
White Righteousness; purity; used for east cardinal point; devotional magic

Grocery Store Magic Correspondence Chart

I found this cool chart in a book the other day. It’s going in my BoS so I thought you all might enjoy it too. Thanks Silver RavenWolf!

African Violet Spirituality, protection
Alfalfa Prosperity, anti-hunger, money
Allspice Money, luck, healing
Almond Money, prosperity, wisdom
Aloe Protection, luck
Apple Love, healing, garden magic
Apricot Love
Avocado Love, beauty
Barley Love, healing, protection
Basil Love, exorcism, wealth, protection, sympathy
Bay Protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength
Blackberry Healing, money, protection
Blueberry Protection
Caraway Protection, lust, health, anti-theft, mental powers
Carnation Protection, strength, healing
Carob Protection, health
Cashew Money, communication
Catnip Cat magic, love, beauty, happiness
Cedar Healing, purification, money, protection, stopping sexual harassment
Celery Mental powers, lust, psychic powers
Chamomile Money, sleep, love, purification
Cherry Love, divination, victory
Chestnut Love
Cinnamon Spirituality, success, healing, power, psychic powers, protection, love
Clove Protection, exorcism, love, money
Coconut Water, purification, protection, chastity
Coriander Love, health, healing
Corn Protection, luck, divination, money
Cumin Anti-theft
Curry Protection
Dill Protection, money, lust, love
Eucalyptus Healing, purification
Fennel Protection, healing, purification
Fern Rain-making, protection, luck, riches, health, exorcism
Fig Divination, fertility, love
Garlic Protection, healing, exorcism, lust, anti-theft; relief from nightmares
Ginger Love money, success, power
Ginseng Love, wishes, healing, beauty, protection, lust
Grape Fertility, garden magic, mental powers, money
Holly Protection, anti-lightning, luck, dream magic
Lavender Love, protection, sleep, chastity, longevity, purification, happiness, peace
Leek Love, protection, exorcism
Lemon Longevity, purification, love, friendship
Licorice Lust, love, fidelity
Maple Love, longevity, money
Marjoram Protection, love, happiness, health, money
Mint Money, lust, healing, travel, exorcism, protection, love
Mistletoe Protection, love, hunting, fertility, health, exorcism of negativity
Nutmeg Luck, money, health, fidelity, relief from nightmares
Oats Money
Olive Healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection
Onion Protection, exorcism, healing,  money, prophetic dreams
Orange Love, divination, luck, money
Papaya Love, Protection
Parsley Lust, protection, purification
Pea Money, love
Peach Love, exorcism of negativity, longevity, fertility, wishes
Pear Love
Pecan Money, employment
Pepper Protection, exorcism of negativity
Peppermint Purification, sleep love, healing, psychic powers
Pineapple Luck, money, chastity
Pistachio Breaking love spells
Plum Love protection
Pomegranate Divination, Luck, wishes, wealth, fertility
Raspberry Protection, love
Rhubarb Protection, fidelity
Rice Protection, rain, money, fertility
Rose Love, psychic powers, healing, love divination, luck, protection
Rosemary Protection, love, lust, mental powers, exorcism, purification, healing, sleep, youth
Rye Love, fidelity
Sassafras Health, money
Sesame Money, lust
Spearmint Healing, love, mental powers
Strawberry Love, luck
Sugar Cane Love, lust, sympathy
Sunflower Fertility, wishes, health, wisdom, sun magic
Tea Riches, courage, strength, health
Thyme Health, healing, sleep, psychic powers, love, purification, courage
Tomato Prosperity, protection, love
Vanilla Love, lust, mental powers
Walnut Health, mental powers, infertility, wishes
Wheat Fertility, money
Witch Hazel Protection, chastity

Back To School The Wiccan Way

School’s just around the corner (lurking), so it’s time to shop for last-minute school supplies. Never fear, your Pagan beliefs can translate into environmentally friendly school supplies, you just have to know where to look. Check out some of the cool products I was able to find and, if you’re looking for anything else specifically, I recommend Google.

Recycled Newspaper Pencils

Natural Glue

Non-Toxic Glue Stick

Recycled Money Ruler

Recycled Paper Highlighters

Eco-Friendly Colored Pencils–Colored-Pencils/

Bamboo Pens

Recycled Plastic Pens

Biodegradable Pens

Recycled Gray Board Binders

Recycled/Paper Alternative Notebooks

Hemp Bags

Recycled Seatbelt Bags

Aren’t these great? Wow, I so excited for school! (I’ll say it a million times, I’m a nerd.) This stuff is amazing, I didn’t even know about the recycled seatbelt bags and now I really want one (the orange and blue one matches my school’s colors too). Ah well, I’m off to finish my summer math packet and plan what I’ll wear for the first week of school.

Goddess keep you,


Pagan Pride: Ten Things for the Blatantly Pagan Teen To Do

So not everybody has the luxury of being publicly Pagan, and that’s a shame, but some of us do. Don’t feel obligated to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, but if you do like any of these ideas – or have any of your own – do have an enormous amount of fun. For those of you wondering what to do now that you’re ready to tell the world you’re Pagan but don’t feel like getting a blog and writing endless posts (like someone you all may know) you can try some of these to get the message across:

  1. Draw a huge pentacle on every notebook and folder you have for school – in class.
  2. Bring your most noticeable Wiccan book or spell book to class and leave it on your desk the whole period.
  3. When your teacher asks about everyone’s weekend, loudly inform everyone that Saturday was, in fact, Ostara.
  4. Go on to explain to the shocked yet intrigued classroom exactly what Ostara is. Yes, a little Easter-bashing may be necessary.
  5. Have a party on Earth Day and invite everyone you know to help do something like plant trees or a garden then give them a speech about how much the Goddess appreciates their efforts.
  6. Find other Wiccans teens and start a coven, through the school, and bribe the year book committee into giving you guys a full page. (This one could be a little tricky.)
  7. Do a history paper on the injustices of the Salem Witch Trials and how they formed certain stereotypes that prevail in annoying and blackening the image of modern Witches and Wiccans. Then get it published in your school paper.
  8. Every time someone sneezes say “Goddess Bless you!”
  9. Extend this to every usage of the word “God” as an exclamation. As in, “Goddess! I have so much homework!” Or, “Goddess Joe, I can’t believe you cheated off of my English test!”
  10. Loudly inform all your teachers that you will be taking Halloween off for religious purposes… then do.
So yes, some of these are a little silly, but seriously, don’t be  afraid to be Pagan. If you want the world to accept that you’ve chosen these religious views and that you intend to stick with them, you might as well do Pagan stuff and when people ask act like it’s normal. They’ll likely assume that it is, since it’s not a big deal to you. But if you do live somewhere where you’re afraid of being crucified for your views, be sure you’re careful. It may not be fun to be secretly Pagan, but if you make it to eighteen without being burned at the stake, you can move somewhere else and tell the world of your faith all you like.
Goddess keep you,